Enhanced CPD Pro

Oral Cancer Alert: Management Strategies for Practice Managers

September 5, 2023 | by dental.cpdpro.org.uk


About This Course

This course provides an overview of oral cancer, including risk factors, screening and detection, and management strategies for dental practice managers.

Why Take This Course?

The course addresses a common problem that UK dental professionals face – oral cancer. It provides them with the necessary knowledge and skills to detect and manage this disease effectively. Dental professionals are often the first line of defense in detecting early signs of oral cancer, and this course equips them with the tools to identify high-risk patients, educate them about the risks, and help them make informed decisions about their oral health. The course also emphasizes the importance of collaboration with specialists and continuous education to stay updated on the latest trends and best practices in oral cancer management.

This course on oral cancer covers basic concepts, types, stages, and current statistics of the disease, as well as risk factors such as tobacco, alcohol, and HPV. It also discusses screening and detection strategies, implementing screening protocols in dental practice, and management strategies for practice managers, including patient counseling and education, collaboration with specialists, and continuous education. This course would be highly beneficial for anyone in the dental field looking to expand their knowledge and skills in oral cancer management and prevention.

How This Course Supports GDC Enhanced Dental CPD

logo of the General Dental Council“Dental professionals have a duty to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. A primary qualification is only the first step in their education and development which should last throughout their professional life”
General Dental Council
Learning ObjectivesAnticipated Outcomes
#REF!1: Upon completion of the course, participants are expected to integrate oral cancer screenings as a routine procedure in their dental practice, enhancing early detection and potentially improving patient outcomes.
2: As a result of this course, learners will likely increase their capacity to identify oral cancer warning signs, contributing to a more proactive oral healthcare community and potentially reducing the incidence of late-stage oral cancer diagnoses.
3: The course should lead to a broadened understanding of the role of dental professionals in detecting oral cancer, improving professional competency, and solidifying their role in the wider healthcare community.
4: In the wider context, the course aims to contribute to better public health outcomes through the early detection and intervention of oral cancer, offering community-level implications for health promotion and disease prevention.
5: Following the course, the expectation is that attendees will effectively communicate with patients about oral cancer risks, symptoms, and the importance of regular screening, promoting heightened patient awareness and proactive health behaviours.

Regulatory Standards

✅ A – Effective Communication
✅ B – Effective Management
✅ C – Maintenance in Field of Practice
✅ D – Maintenance in Patient Confidence
✅ Caring
✅ Effective
✅ Leadership
✅ Responsive
✅ Safe

🕐 90 minutes of Enhanced Dental CPD

Course Description

The course covers basic concepts, types, stages, and current statistics of oral cancer, as well as risk factors such as tobacco, alcohol, and HPV. It also discusses screening and detection strategies, implementing screening protocols in dental practice, and management strategies for practice managers, including patient counseling and education, collaboration with specialists, and continuous education.

Course Outline

Section 1

Section 1 of the course covers the basic concepts of Oral Cancer, including its types, subtypes, stages, and progression, as well as current statistics and epidemiology in the UK. The section also includes a case study that reviews different types of oral cancer.

Section 2

Section 2 of the course covers the risk factors and causes of oral cancer, including general risk factors, the role of tobacco and alcohol, human papillomavirus (HPV), and other associated causes and conditions. Also discussed are different risk assessment scenarios for oral cancer.

Section 3

Section 3 covers the detection and diagnosis of oral cancer, including the role of dentists in early detection, clinical examination strategies, biopsies and laboratory tests, and imaging techniques. It also includes a practice exercise for performing an oral cancer examination.

Section 4

Section 4 of the course covers the implementation of oral cancer screening in dental practice, including the importance of regular screening, creating a screening protocol, tools and technologies for screening, and conducting patient consultations. The section also includes an exercise on developing an oral cancer screening plan.

Section 5

Section 5 of this course covers the management strategies for practice managers, including raising awareness about oral cancer among staff, patient counseling and communication strategies, the role of continuous education and training, and collaborating with oncologists and specialists. It also includes a recap of the course content and application of the oral cancer management strategies.

Course Reviews

This course provided me with valuable information on how to implement oral cancer screening protocols in my practice. It also highlighted the importance of patient education and collaboration with specialists. Highly recommended.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

I found this course to be comprehensive and informative. The section on risk factors, including HPV, was particularly useful in understanding the current trends in oral cancer. Overall, a great resource for any dental professional.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

As a practice manager, I appreciated the management strategies discussed in the course. The emphasis on continuous education for the entire team and patient counseling was insightful and will definitely be implemented in our practice.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

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