Compassion Fatigue: Confronting Burnout in Dental Care
September 5, 2023 | by

About This Course
Learn about compassion fatigue, its impact on health and professional performance, and strategies to prevent and cope with it. Also covers self-awareness, stress reduction, and institutional support.
Why Take This Course?
This course addresses the common challenge that UK dental professionals face of compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is a type of burnout that occurs when dental professionals experience emotional exhaustion and a reduced ability to empathize with their patients. This can lead to a decrease in the quality of patient care and can negatively impact the dental professional’s physical and mental health. This course provides strategies and techniques to prevent and cope with compassion fatigue, including self-care, stress reduction, and achieving work-life balance. Additionally, it covers institutional prevention and support, such as dental practice policies and resources, team support, and education programs. Overall, this course is an essential resource for UK dental professionals looking to improve their patient care and maintain their well-being.
This course offers comprehensive coverage of compassion fatigue, its causes and effects, and strategies for prevention and coping. It also addresses the importance of self-awareness and institutional support, making it a valuable resource for professionals in the dental industry.
How This Course Supports GDC Enhanced Dental CPD
![]() | “Dental professionals have a duty to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. A primary qualification is only the first step in their education and development which should last throughout their professional life” General Dental Council |
Learning Objectives | Anticipated Outcomes |
1: By the end of this course, learners will be able to comprehend the concept of mindfulness and its origins. | #REF! |
2: Upon completion, learners will have the capacity to articulate the neuroscience behind mindfulness and its effects on the brain. | |
3: Participants will demonstrate their ability to identify the benefits of mindfulness in healthcare and its application in stress and burnout reduction. | |
4: By the final session, learners will have mastered the application of mindfulness in dentistry, including strategies for enhancing focus, mitigating stress, and improving patient communication. | |
5: At the course’s conclusion, attendees will have developed the competency to perform basic mindfulness exercises and integrate this practice into their daily routine for personal well-being and professional enhancement. |
Regulatory Standards
✅ A – Effective Communication ✅ B – Effective Management ✅ C – Maintenance in Field of Practice ✅ D – Maintenance in Patient Confidence | ✅ Caring ✅ Effective ✅ Leadership ✅ Responsive ✅ Safe |
🕐 90 minutes of Enhanced Dental CPD
Course Description
This course covers understanding compassion fatigue, its causes, signs, and symptoms, and how it differs from burnout. It also discusses the impact of compassion fatigue on physical and mental health, professional performance, and patient care quality, along with strategies to prevent and cope with it. The course also addresses the importance of self-awareness and self-care, mindfulness, stress reduction techniques, and achieving work-life balance. Finally, it covers institutional prevention and support, including dental practice policies and resources, team support, training and education programs, and ethical considerations regarding compassion fatigue.
Course Outline
Section 1
Section 1 of the course covers understanding compassion fatigue, including its causes, signs and symptoms, and how it differs from burnout. The section also explores the impact of compassion fatigue on physical and mental health, professional performance, and patient care quality. Strategies for preventing and coping with compassion fatigue, including developing emotional resilience, establishing healthy boundaries, and practicing self-care, are discussed. Finally, the section covers institutional prevention and support, including dental practice policies and resources, team support and building healthier work environments, and ethical considerations.
Section 2
Section 2 of this course focuses on the impact of compassion fatigue, including its effects on physical health, mental health, professional performance, and patient care quality. It also includes an exercise for evaluating the impact of compassion fatigue in your practice. Strategies to prevent compassion fatigue are discussed, such as developing emotional resilience, establishing healthy boundaries, effective time management, and wellness and self-care strategies. Coping with compassion fatigue is also addressed, including the importance of self-awareness and self-care, practicing mindfulness and stress reduction techniques, seeking support and professional help, and achieving work-life balance. The section concludes with a discussion of institutional prevention and support, including dental practice policies and resources, team support and building healthier work environments, training and education programs, ethical considerations regarding compassion fatigue, and creating a compassion fatigue resilient practice.
Section 3
Section 3 of the course covers strategies to prevent and cope with compassion fatigue, including developing emotional resilience, establishing healthy boundaries, effective time management, wellness and self-care strategies, practicing mindfulness and stress reduction techniques, seeking support and professional help, and achieving work-life balance. It also discusses institutional prevention and support, such as dental practice policies and resources, team support and building healthier work environments, training and education programs, and ethical considerations regarding compassion fatigue. The ultimate goal is to create a compassion fatigue resilient practice.
Section 4
Section 4 of this course covers coping with compassion fatigue, including the importance of self-awareness and self-care, practicing mindfulness and stress reduction techniques, seeking support and professional help, and achieving work-life balance.
Section 5
Section 5 of the course covers institutional prevention and support for compassion fatigue. This includes topics such as dental practice policies and resources, team support and building healthier work environments, training and education programs, and ethical considerations regarding compassion fatigue. The section concludes with a summary that focuses on creating a compassion fatigue resilient practice.
Course Reviews
Great course! I appreciated the emphasis on self-care and stress reduction techniques.
✅ Met Course Objectives | ✅ Met Course Outcomes | ✅ Would Recommend | ✅ Had Positive Impact |
I found the section on institutional prevention and support particularly helpful. It’s important to have resources available for dental professionals who may be experiencing compassion fatigue.
✅ Met Course Objectives | ✅ Met Course Outcomes | ✅ Would Recommend | ✅ Had Positive Impact |
This course provided valuable insight into the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue, and the strategies discussed for preventing and coping with it were practical and effective.
✅ Met Course Objectives | ✅ Met Course Outcomes | ✅ Would Recommend | ✅ Had Positive Impact |
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