Enhanced CPD Pro

Foundations of Legal and Ethical Issues in Dentistry

September 5, 2023 | by dental.cpdpro.org.uk


About This Course

This course covers the ethical and legal aspects of dentistry, including principles, legislation, patient rights, malpractice, and ethical dilemmas. It emphasizes the intersection of ethics and law and offers strategies for navigating dilemmas.

Why Take This Course?

This course addresses a common problem or challenge faced by UK dental professionals, which is navigating the complex ethical and legal landscape of dentistry. Dental professionals must make ethical decisions on a daily basis, and this course provides students with a framework for approaching these decisions. The legal aspects of dentistry can also be complex and ever-changing, and this course covers the essential legal topics that dental professionals must be familiar with. Overall, this course equips dental professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate ethical and legal dilemmas in dentistry and promotes a culture of ethical and professional conduct in the field.

This course on dental ethics and legal essentials is highly beneficial for anyone in the dentistry field, as it covers the principles of professional conduct, patient rights, data protection, and confidentiality, as well as legal issues such as malpractice and liability. It also addresses ethical issues in dental practice management, promoting a respectful and ethical workplace, and ethical marketing practices. The course provides case studies and strategies for navigating ethical and legal dilemmas, making it an essential resource for anyone in the dentistry field.

How This Course Supports GDC Enhanced Dental CPD

logo of the General Dental Council“Dental professionals have a duty to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. A primary qualification is only the first step in their education and development which should last throughout their professional life”
General Dental Council
Learning ObjectivesAnticipated Outcomes
1: By the end of this course, students will be able to understand and apply the fundamental principles of dental ethics.1: Upon completion of the course, students are expected to exhibit a thorough understanding of ethical principles and legal frameworks, which should guide their professional conduct in dental practice.
2: Upon completion, learners will have the capacity to navigate and comply with the legal frameworks governing dental practice in the UK.2: As a result of this course, learners will likely develop a heightened sense of professional responsibility, contributing to improved patient trust and safety in the dental care community.
3: Students will demonstrate their ability to handle and resolve ethical dilemmas using structured decision-making processes.3: The course should lead to enhanced decision-making capabilities, especially in complex ethical situations, improving the overall quality of dental care.
4: By the final session, participants will have mastered the concepts of confidentiality and data protection in the context of dentistry.4: In the wider context, the course aims to contribute to the promotion of ethical practice and legal compliance within the broader dental field.
5: At the course’s conclusion, attendees will have developed the competency to reflect on their learning and apply ethical principles and legal requirements in real-world dental scenarios.5: Following the course, the expectation is that students will become advocates for ethical practice and legal compliance, influencing their peers and shaping a more ethical dental community.

Regulatory Standards

✅ A – Effective Communication
✅ B – Effective Management
✅ C – Maintenance in Field of Practice
✅ D – Maintenance in Patient Confidence
✅ Caring
✅ Effective
✅ Leadership
✅ Responsive
✅ Safe

🕐 60 minutes of Enhanced Dental CPD

Course Description

This course focuses on the ethical and legal aspects of dentistry. It begins by teaching students the importance of ethics in dentistry, including the principles that guide professional conduct in the field. A case study is presented to allow students to apply these principles to real-life situations. The second section of the course covers the legal framework within which dentistry operates. It starts with the basics of dental legislation and then delves into issues such as patient rights, informed consent, data protection, and confidentiality. The section wraps up with a discussion on malpractice and liability, including a thought experiment on legal issues in practice. The course then explores the relationship between ethics and law in dentistry, differentiating the two and examining their intersection. It emphasizes the role of both in decision making and presents case studies on ethical and legal dilemmas in dentistry. The fourth section discusses ethical issues in dental practice management, such as managing relationships with colleagues, promoting a respectful and ethical workplace, dealing with discrimination and harassment, and ethical marketing practices. The course ends with a review and summary of the key takeaways in dental ethics and legal essentials for dental practice. It offers strategies for navigating ethical and legal dilemmas and reflects on the interplay of law and ethics in dentistry.

Course Outline

Section 1

Section 1 of the course covers the fundamental concepts of ethics in dentistry, including the importance of ethics, ethical principles, professionalism, dentistry code of conduct, and ethical dilemmas in practice.

Section 2

Section 2 of the course covers the legal framework in dentistry, including patient rights and informed consent, data protection and patient confidentiality, malpractice and liability, as well as ethical issues that arise in dental practice management, such as managing relationships with colleagues, promoting a respectful and ethical workplace, dealing with discrimination and harassment, and ethical marketing in dentistry. It also explores the intersection of ethics and law, the role of ethics and law in decision-making, and provides case studies to examine ethical and legal dilemmas in practice.

Section 3

This section of the course covers the importance of ethics in dentistry, ethical principles, professionalism, the dentistry code of conduct, differentiating ethics from law, the intersection of ethics and law, ethical and legal dilemmas in dentistry, managing relationships with colleagues, promoting a respectful and ethical workplace, dealing with discrimination and harassment, ethical marketing in dentistry, and key takeaways in dental ethics.

Section 4

Section 4 of the course covers ethical issues in dental practice management, including managing relationships with colleagues, promoting a respectful workplace, dealing with discrimination and harassment, ethical marketing, and management ethical dilemmas.

Section 5

Section 5 of the course covers the key takeaways in dental ethics, legal essentials for dental practice, navigating ethical and legal dilemmas, the interplay of law and ethics, and a course summary and reflection.

Course Reviews

This course was an eye-opener for me. As a practicing dentist, I thought I knew all there was to know about dental ethics and legal issues. However, this course provided a fresh perspective on several key topics, such as informed consent and data protection. The case studies were incredibly helpful in illustrating the practical applications of the principles discussed in the course.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

I found this course to be very comprehensive and informative. The section on malpractice and liability was particularly valuable, as it highlighted the potential legal consequences of certain actions or omissions in dental practice. The course also stressed the importance of creating and maintaining a respectful and ethical workplace, which I found to be a refreshing and necessary reminder.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

As a new dentist, I found this course to be an essential primer on dental ethics and legal issues. The section on the legal framework of dentistry was particularly enlightening, as I had very little knowledge of the relevant legislation before taking the course. The course provided practical advice on navigating ethical and legal dilemmas in practice, which was extremely helpful for someone just starting out in the field.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

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