Enhanced CPD Pro

Mindful Approach to Ethical Decision Making in Dental Practice

September 5, 2023 | by dental.cpdpro.org.uk


About This Course

Discover mindfulness and ethical practices in dental settings with our comprehensive course, covering emotional intelligence, traits of a mindful dental professional, and practical case studies.

Why Take This Course?

The course addresses a common challenge that UK dental professionals face, which is the need to maintain a patient-centered approach while managing the stress and demands of the job. Mindfulness and emotional intelligence are important skills for dental professionals to develop in order to provide high-quality care while staying grounded and focused. The course provides practical tools and strategies for embedding mindfulness into daily practice, promoting ethical decision-making, and cultivating traits such as empathy and compassion.

The course is beneficial because it covers topics that are important for dental professionals such as mindfulness, ethics, emotional intelligence and embedding the mindful approach. The exercises and case studies will allow you to apply these concepts in your dental practice.

How This Course Supports GDC Enhanced Dental CPD

logo of the General Dental Council“Dental professionals have a duty to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. A primary qualification is only the first step in their education and development which should last throughout their professional life”
General Dental Council
Learning ObjectivesAnticipated Outcomes
1: By the end of this course, learners will be able to understand the concept of mindfulness and its relevance and benefits in dentistry.1: Upon completion of the course, participants are expected to integrate mindfulness practices into their daily routines, leading to improved personal well-being and professional performance.
2: Upon completion, learners will have the capacity to develop and maintain a personal mindfulness practice, utilizing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and focused attention.2: As a result of this course, dental communities will likely experience enhanced levels of interprofessional collaboration, reduced job-related stress, and better patient outcomes brought about by more mindful and focused dental care.
3: Participants will demonstrate their ability to incorporate mindfulness strategies into their dental practice, enhancing patient interactions, improving pain management and building a more mindful professional environment.3: The course should lead to participants demonstrating a greater capacity to remain composed and focused in high-stress situations, providing smoother patient experiences and more efficient procedures.
4: By the final session, learners will have mastered the use of mindfulness for handling stress and managing professional challenges in dentistry, employing strategies to reduce stress and nurture emotional awareness.4: In the wider context, the course aims to contribute to the promotion and normalization of mindfulness practices in the dental field, potentially influencing how dental care is delivered and experienced on a broader scale.
5: At the course’s conclusion, attendees will have developed the competency to utilize mindfulness in their continuous learning and professional development endeavors, enhancing their experiences and productivity in such activities.5: Following the course, the expectation is that attendees will apply tools and techniques learned to institutionalize mindfulness in their dental teams, fostering environments where mindfulness is openly discussed, practiced, and valued for its influence on work satisfaction and patient care.

Regulatory Standards

✅ A – Effective Communication
✅ B – Effective Management
✅ C – Maintenance in Field of Practice
✅ D – Maintenance in Patient Confidence
✅ Caring
✅ Effective
✅ Leadership
✅ Responsive
✅ Safe

🕐 90 minutes of Enhanced Dental CPD

Course Description

The course covers the topics of mindfulness, ethics in dental practice, mindfulness and emotional intelligence, traits of a mindful dental professional, and embedding the mindful approach, with exercises and case studies to apply the concepts in dental settings.

Course Outline

Section 1

Section 1 of the course covers an overview of mindfulness, the importance of mindfulness in healthcare, the interrelation of mindfulness and dentistry, key mindfulness techniques, and an exercise on the application of mindfulness techniques in a dental setting.

Section 2

Section 2 of this course covers the topics of understanding ethics in dental practice, applying ethical decision making, exploring emotional intelligence, and the role of mindfulness in both ethical actions and improving emotional intelligence. Case studies and exercises are included to better understand how to utilize these concepts in dental settings.

Section 3

Section 3 of the course covers mindfulness and emotional intelligence, exploring the concept of emotional intelligence in dental practice, the role of mindfulness in improving emotional intelligence, and how emotional intelligence can impact ethical decision making. The section includes an exercise on utilizing emotional intelligence in dental settings.

Section 4

Section 4 of this course focuses on the traits of a mindful dental professional, building resilience through mindfulness, promoting patient satisfaction through mindfulness, mindfulness in clinical decision making, and a case study on how mindfulness can lead to success in the dental field.

Section 5

Section 5 of the course covers creating a mindful dental environment, introducing effective communication techniques, adapting mindfulness into routine practice, the impact of mindfulness on professional and personal life, and a summary of the mindful approach to ethical decision making in dental practice.

Course Reviews

I found the course to be a great introduction to mindfulness in dentistry. The exercises were practical and easy to implement in daily practice.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

The section on emotional intelligence was particularly helpful for me. I feel more equipped to handle difficult patient interactions now.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

I appreciated the emphasis on ethics in dental practice. It’s important to be reminded of our responsibilities as professionals, and this course did a great job of that.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

How do I access this course?

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What devices does the app work on?

The Enhanced CPD Pro app can be used on any device with a browser. If you’re using a phone or tablet, you can add it to your homescreen for quick access.

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