Enhanced CPD Pro

Understanding the Role of Public Policy in Oral Healthcare Improvement

September 5, 2023 | by dental.cpdpro.org.uk


About This Course

This course delves into the impact of public policy on oral healthcare outcomes, covering key stakeholders, analysis tools, policy formation and evaluation in addition to case studies for real-world application.

Why Take This Course?

This course on Public Policy in Oral Healthcare is specifically designed to address the challenges that dental professionals in the UK face. One of the most common problems that they encounter is the lack of understanding and knowledge about public policy in the context of oral healthcare. This course provides a comprehensive overview of public policy affecting oral healthcare, including its historical background, policy stakeholders, and policy formation and evaluation. By taking this course, dental professionals can gain valuable insights into how public policy impacts oral healthcare outcomes and learn methods and tools for analyzing and evaluating policies. The case studies and exercises included in the course also help them apply these concepts in real-world scenarios.

This course is beneficial because it provides a comprehensive understanding of public policy in the context of oral healthcare. It covers a wide range of topics and provides practical applications through case studies and exercises. By completing this course, you will gain valuable knowledge and skills that can be applied to your work in the oral healthcare sector.

How This Course Supports GDC Enhanced Dental CPD

logo of the General Dental Council“Dental professionals have a duty to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. A primary qualification is only the first step in their education and development which should last throughout their professional life”
General Dental Council
Learning ObjectivesAnticipated Outcomes
1: By the end of this course, learners will be able to understand and define public policy, and analyze its impact on dental practices.1: Upon completion of the course, participants are expected to effectively interpret and analyze public policies that impact dental practice.
2: Upon completion, learners will have the capacity to select and apply appropriate policy analysis methods such as cost-benefit analysis and impact assessment to analyze dental practice related policies.2: As a result of this course, learners will likely foster more efficient dental practices by integrating public policy understanding into their practice management.
3: Participants will exhibit their ability to comprehend the implications of public policy on the healthcare system, particularly focusing on dental care.3: The course should lead to an increased ability of learners to contribute to policy discussions and reforms that affect the dental industry.
4: By the final session, learners will have mastered the strategy to formulate and implement policies within their dental practice environment to resolve identified issues and leverage opportunities.4: In the wider context, the course aims to contribute to the development of a more inclusive and equitable dental healthcare system influenced by informed policy particpants.
5: At the course’s conclusion, attendees would have developed the competency to analyze real-life case studies and understand how different public policies impact the management and operations of dental practices.5: Following the course, the expectation is that attendees will leverage their understanding of public policy to improve patient care by aligning their practices with crucial healthcare regulations and policies.

Regulatory Standards

✅ A – Effective Communication
✅ B – Effective Management
✅ C – Maintenance in Field of Practice
✅ D – Maintenance in Patient Confidence
✅ Caring
✅ Effective
✅ Leadership
✅ Responsive
✅ Safe

🕐 90 minutes of Enhanced Dental CPD

Course Description

The course on Public Policy in Oral Healthcare covers topics such as defining public policy in the context of oral healthcare, historical overview of public policy affecting oral healthcare, the role and impact of public policy on oral healthcare outcomes, key public policy stakeholders in the oral healthcare sector, methods and tools for public policy analysis, policy formation and implementation in oral healthcare, policy evaluation in oral healthcare, and future perspectives in oral healthcare public policy. Additionally, the course includes case studies and exercises to help apply the concepts discussed.

Course Outline

Section 1

Section 1 of the course provides an introduction to public policy in the context of oral healthcare, including a historical overview of public policy affecting oral healthcare and the role and impact of public policy on oral healthcare outcomes. It also explores key public policy stakeholders in the oral healthcare sector and provides a case study on the impact of water fluoridation policy on oral health.

Section 2

The course content of Section 2 focuses on the analysis, formation, implementation, and evaluation of public policy in the context of oral healthcare. It covers the historical overview of public policy affecting oral healthcare, methods and tools for policy analysis, policy formation and implementation process, challenges and barriers in policy application, importance of policy evaluation in oral healthcare, and emerging trends and future directions in oral healthcare public policy. The section also includes case studies and exercises to apply policy analysis and evaluation to current oral healthcare issues.

Section 3

This section covers the basics of public policy in the context of oral healthcare, including its historical overview, impact on outcomes, and key stakeholders. It also explores methods and tools for policy analysis, and how to apply them to current oral healthcare issues. The course delves into the process of policy formation and implementation, including influences, challenges, and the role of professionals in the field. Additionally, it covers policy evaluation, its importance, methods, and factors to consider, including its impact on oral health inequalities. Finally, the section discusses emerging trends, future directions, and the role of technology in shaping future dental public policies, as well as policy strategies for addressing future challenges in oral healthcare.

Section 4

Section 4 of this course covers the topic of Public Policy Evaluation in Oral Healthcare. It includes the importance of policy evaluation, methods and tools for evaluation, factors to consider, evaluating policy impact on oral health inequalities, and an exercise to evaluate the impact of a recent dental healthcare policy.

Section 5

Section 5 of this course covers the future perspectives in oral healthcare public policy, including emerging trends and future directions, the role of technology in shaping policies, policy strategies for addressing future challenges, and the role of dental professionals in future policy developments. The section also summarizes the overall understanding of the role of public policy in improving oral healthcare.

Course Reviews

This course on Public Policy in Oral Healthcare provided a comprehensive overview of the history and impact of public policy on oral healthcare. I particularly appreciated the case studies and exercises that helped to apply the concepts discussed.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

The methods and tools for public policy analysis covered in this course were extremely helpful in understanding how policy is formed and implemented in the oral healthcare sector. The course also provided valuable insights into key stakeholders and future perspectives in oral healthcare public policy.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

As a practicing dental professional, I found this course to be incredibly insightful in defining public policy in the context of oral healthcare. The course materials were up-to-date and relevant, and the policy evaluation section was particularly beneficial in understanding how policy impacts oral healthcare outcomes.

✅ Met Course Objectives✅ Met Course Outcomes✅ Would Recommend ✅ Had Positive Impact

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